AFC expresses condolences on passing of Ramon Gaskin

Ramon Gaskin
Ramon Gaskin

The Alliance For Change (AFC)  yesterday extended condolences to the family and relatives of commentator and analyst, Ramon  Gaskin who passed away yesterday.

“The news of his passing has caused the AFC to reflect on recent history and the power of a single individual to hold leaders accountable. Gaskin, or Rambo as he was affectionately called, was known for his outspokenness and strong opinions. He was an activist and protagonist unlike any other. He fearlessly challenged the Government and Opposition alike to do better to improve the lives of Guyanese. Not afraid to speak or write what was on his mind, Gaskin became a household name as an advocate for ordinary working class Guyanese. He will be missed”, the party said.

Gaskin had recently pursued litigation in relation to the oil and gas industry to ensure the upholding of environmental standards and related matters. He was recently hospitalised.