Sarah Johanna man dies after shot in thigh at bar

Sherwin Hamilton

Police are on the hunt for a suspect following the killing of a 49-year-old self-employed Sarah Johanna man who died at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre after he was  shot around 3:00 am yesterday in his upper thigh in front of Boat House Sports Bar at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara.

Dead is Sherwin Hamilton, of Lot 2 Sarah Johanna, East Bank Demerara. According to a police report, the security guard at the Boat House Bar told investigators that at about 02:30 hours yesterday morning, while he was on duty at the bar, Hamilton and the suspect had a heated exchange of words in the bar, resulting in the suspect having to be evicted from the bar because he was the aggressor.  At about 03.00 hours, the DJ turned off the music and told the patrons it was time to leave. Persons started exiting the bar through the western door facing the public road including Hamilton where he was confronted by the suspect and another man. The suspect then shot Hamilton in the left upper thigh and fled the scene on a motorcycle.