Is the Family Violence bill a way of endorsing same-sex unions?

Dear Editor,

We have been following the Republican Convention and noticed many speakers making comments about LGBQT issues – that some people don’t know how to define “woman,” transgenders wanting to participate in women’s sports, people asking you to state your pronouns although they can see clearly you are a biological male or biological female, indoctrination of young children that there are many genders not boy and girl only, a single person wanting to be called “they,”etc. It is such issues that have galvanized church people supporting Republican Candidate Trump although he is a very scarred candidate. For people of faith, this issue is of big concern, and rightly so if you believe in the good traditional values that have served us well. In Guyana, where the majority of voters are Christians, politicians need to take note of the political implications of pushing, promoting and promulgating the wishes of these communities, and pushing the majority aside.

America and the West (the ABC/EU countries) have opened the floodgates to alternative lifestyles as constituting some kind of special human rights, and they push this “culture war” agenda on Third World countries in Africa, Asia, South America. If you disagree with this agenda they accuse and label you as committing “hate speech.” A teeny tiny minority want to redefine family, gender, marriage and are promoting ideas that men can have children, that not because you have male biological parts you are a boy or man, or not because you have female biological parts, you are a girl or woman. This movement thinks a biological man who identifies as a woman has a “right” to play in the women’s sports leagues, that a biological man can sleep in the women’s dorm if that man identifies as a woman. Things like these are causing a backlash in America, as it defies logic and common sense.

So, it is of concern to us that recent news reports indicate that the Family Violence bill in the name of the Human Services Minister will provide protection to “same sex couples.” (See “Family Violence Bill: Updated law to provide protection to same-sex couples,” INEWS, July 17, 2024; “Domestic Violence: Updated law to provide protection to same-sex couples,” GT, July 18, 2024). Guyana is not a country that permits legal same-sex unions, and more than half of this Christian country find that reprehensible so the Minister or somebody smart in the Government may want to explain that for the nation. We have noted an outfit called “Guyana Together” working hard at recruiting some key communicators to push this agenda in keeping with its goals of promoting acceptance of the LGBQT lifestyle in Guyana. The news also reported a Government Minister marching with the “Pride” parade to show support. We urge the nation to stand strong for the good traditional values we hold!


Jerry Jailall for

Family Values Coalition