We should all be very concerned about this gas to energy project

Dear Editor,

The recent letter in the press by Mr. Vieira was very revealing as to the extent of incompetence and inexperience involved in the Skeldon factory failure. Those revelations and the current circumstances around the gas to energy project in Wales do raise serious concerns. The gas to energy project has proceeded ahead without first securing funding and without a thorough feasibility study.

What is even worse is that a second project has been proposed without successfully completing the first one.

Wasteful spending usually follows poor planning and execution of projects. If the track record of the team involved is any indication of what is to come, as demonstrated by the failure of the Skeldon project, then we should all be very concerned. The government has been in power for four years and the issues at Skeldon have not been corrected. The level of accountability must increase and the government must show that they can correct their mistakes and achieve success. Mr. Jagdeo should not be allowed to lead any new major projects until he has made the Skeldon project successful.

Best regards,

Mr. Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of Guyana