Girl Stand Up! is empowering and educating young women

Girl Stand Up! members posing with their certificates
Girl Stand Up! members posing with their certificates

By Khadidja Ba

In 2015, two women who grew up in Linden – Collette Venture and Daneile Hicks – launched Girl Stand Up! with a mission to empower teenage girls by boosting their self-esteem and confidence. Their inspiration stemmed from a deep desire to give back to their hometown and address the challenges and pressures faced by young girls.

Sunday Stabroek caught up with the duo in an email interview and it was explained that initially, Girl Stand Up! began with week-long camps attended by groups of 25 girls. These camps covered a wide range of topics including self-esteem building, jiu jitsu training, goal setting, financial literacy, poetry, and more. The immersive nature of these camps allowed for deep engagement and meaningful connections among participants.

At the end of a Girl Stand Up! training with members

As the organisation grew, it evolved its approach to reach a broader audience. Transitioning to two-day conferences, Girl Stand Up! now hosts 50 to 60 girls per event, expanding its impact while maintaining its commitment to empowering young women through education and mentorship.

Participant testimonials highlight the transformative impact of the Girl Stand Up! programmes. Chelsea Tappin, a past participant, reflected on how the organisation helped her to navigate challenges and personal growth during her teenage years. Such stories underscore the organisation’s effectiveness in equipping girls with the skills and confidence needed to thrive.

“Whenever I reflect on where my confidence boost came from, Girl Stand Up always comes to mind,” Tappin told the Sunday Stabroek in the email interview. “My experience at GSU 2018 was such an eye-opener and a breath of fresh air. As a teen who quietly struggled with self-image, it felt as though the conference was created just for me. The presentations offered invaluable insights and tools that I later used to navigate the challenging realms of my teenage years and young adulthood. The conference allowed me to break down the damaging walls I had built in my mind and challenged me to shine, no matter what.

“This experience has profoundly impacted my life in more ways than I can count. It taught me how to show up for myself, inspiring others around me to do the same and reminding them that they, too, can be confident in their own skin. Being surrounded by so many amazing teen girls provided me the opportunity to connect and make new friends, friendships that have lasted to this day.

Girls Stand Up! members partaking in self-defence training

“During the conference, I was given the space to step outside my comfort zone and explore the realms of being bold. This didn’t last for just two days; it stayed with me for the rest of my life. I left the conference not only feeling empowered but also with a deep commitment to put into practice everything I had learned. The experience left an indelible mark on my heart, shaping the person I am today and the way I navigate the world. Wherever I went, Girl Stand Up went with me.”

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Girl Stand Up! adapted by shifting its programmes online, which not only allowed for nationwide participation across Guyana but also facilitated collaborations with international experts. This move expanded access and also enriched the educational offerings available to girls.

At the heart of its success lies its dedicated team of volunteers who contribute their time and expertise without financial compensation. This grassroots approach ensures sustainability and community support, reflecting the organisation’s commitment to empowering girls through education and mentorship.

To measure its impact, Girl Stand Up! conducts post-event surveys and monitors attendance, participant feedback, and community engagement. These metrics not only inform programme improvements but also demonstrate the organisation’s dedication to delivering meaningful experiences for every girl involved.

Looking ahead, Girl Stand Up! plans to further expand its summer conferences and introduce more workshops focused on self-esteem, leadership, and practical skills development. The organisation aims to establish a permanent space for hosting activities and training sessions, alongside offering scholarships to support girls in their academic and personal pursuits.

Girl Stand Up! continues to serve as a beacon of empowerment for teenage girls in Linden and beyond. Through innovative programmes, heartfelt dedication, and community engagement, it inspires girls to embrace their strengths, pursue their dreams, and confidently navigate the challenges of adolescence and young adulthood.

For those interested in supporting or getting involved with Girl Stand Up! please contact Hicks at or call 630-9649.