Sade Barrow-Browne: the visionary hyping local art

Sade Barrow-Browne

By Miranda La Rose

After a hiatus of about 12 years both from her passion and being part of the community of artists, Sade Barrow-Browne, 37, decided it was time to return and make use of her training in the arts and so, two years ago, she launched online art gallery, to promote and market the works of local artists in cyberspace and in physical spaces.

“It was an idea I’d been tossing around for about three years before acting on it in 2021. That was me procrastinating or the time wasn’t right. During 2021, at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic when everyone’s brain was active, I worked on bringing it to fruition. Then I launched it in 2022 to ensure it was introduced to the public. That was me jumping back into the art scene. I really hope that makes an impact in the wider art market and the art scene in Guyana,” Barrow-Browne told Stabroek Weekend.

A graphic artist, who is also a Guyana Economic Development Trust’s 2023 Guyana Innovation Prize Fellow, she was trained in both traditional and digital graphics. Her aim is to integrate technology with art, promote and market the works of painters, photographers, sculptors and digital artists.