Mango Shenanigans

Hand-picked Mango (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

Mangoes are chief among the fruits that when in season bring about all sorts of thoughts, expressions, instructions, memories, arguments and discussions. These range from the best way to eat mangoes, when to pick them, how to set them to ripen, the best variety, what to look for when buying mangoes, and discerning, when eating, if the mango has been force-ripened. It is all part of the fun and love we have for this beloved fruit. It’s mango season!

If you have been reading me for a while, you will know that I myself participate in the expressions and discussions. It’s a yearly ritual, so indulge me. I think what I will say this year may make me lose some friends though. I guess that I am willing to test those friendships all because of mangoes. This is what you call mango-madness! (lol)