Trinidad: Ice Cream salesman gunned down outside home

Winston Sammy

(Trinidad Express) Ice cream salesman Winston Sammy was shot and killed on Sunday night.

Sammy, 53, had minutes earlier returned to his home in South Oropouche when a gunman ambushed him.

Police said the motive for the homicide is unknown but Sammy reported being shot at two nights earlier.

A police report stated that at around 7 p.m., Sammy and his wife had returned to their home on Hillview Avenue in Berridge Trace after plying their trade.

Sammy was unpacking their vehicle in the garage while his wife walked into the house.

Minutes later, she heard a man’s voice that she did not recognise, call out to her husband by his name.

She then heard gunfire and looked through a window to see a white vehicle speeding away from their house.

Her husband’s body was on the ground near the front gate.

Sammy died at the scene.

The body was removed to the mortuary of the San Fernando General Hospital pending a post-mortem at the Forensic Science Centre in St James.

Crime scene investigators retrieved from the scene two spent nine-millimetre shells.

Investigators of the Homicide Bureau of Region III Sgt Elvin and PC Mathura, Insp John and others of the Oropouche Police Station also responded.