The late Ramon Gaskin leaves behind a rich legacy of service to Guyana

Dear Editor,

I wish to join with others in expressing my deepest condolences to the relatives and friends of the late Ramon Gaskin popularly known as ‘Rambo’ because of his courage to speak his mind and stand up for what he believed in.

He was among the first to return to Guyana and offer his services after the return to democracy in October 1992. He answered the call by Dr. Jagan for overseas Guyanese to return and share their expertise under the nominal so-called ‘dollar a year’ remuneration package. He made a significant contribution to the then Guyana Electricity Corporation where he served as Chairman of the Board.

The late Gaskin has certainly left a rich legacy of service to Guyana. He was always passionate in making his views known on matters of national importance, however controversial those may be. He will surely be missed by all those who know him. May his soul rest in peace!


Hydar Ally