Man charged with $10m robbery in GBTI compound

Negus Lamazon

A 27-year-old man was yesterday granted bail in the sum of $700,000  after he appeared before Magistrate Clive Nurse charged with robbing an employee of Toucan Distributors of $10m in the Young Street, Kingston compound of the Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI).

In court yesterday it was alleged that Negus Lamazon on July 3 2024 at Young and High streets while in the company of another and armed with a gun robbed Fizal Shaw of $10 million dollars, property of Toucan Distributors.

He pleaded not guilty and attorney-at-law Joel Ross, who represented him, told the magistrate that his client was not positively identified and had one conviction for a robbery charge back in 2012 but has since had no other run-ins with the law.

The prosecution objected to bail on the grounds of the seriousness and prevalence of the offence, but stated that their hands were tied as they had no other reasons for their objections.

As a result, the magistrate granted bail in the sum $700,000 with reporting conditions and that Lamazon lodges his passport with the court.