Palestinian factions sign declaration to end divisions after talks in China

(Left to right) Fatah vice-chairman Mahmoud al-Aloul, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi, and Hamas senior member Mussa Abu Marzuk attend an event in Beijing. (AFP pic)
(Left to right) Fatah vice-chairman Mahmoud al-Aloul, China’s foreign minister Wang Yi, and Hamas senior member Mussa Abu Marzuk attend an event in Beijing. (AFP pic)

BEIJING, (Reuters) – Various Palestinian factions have agreed to end their divisions and strengthen Palestinian unity by signing the Beijing Declaration last night in China, according to Chinese state media.

The declaration was signed at the closing ceremony of a reconciliation dialogue among the factions held in Beijing from July 21-23, state broadcaster CCTV said.

A total of 14 Palestinian factions including the leaders of rival groups Fatah and Hamas also met with the media, with China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi present, CGTN said in a social media post.

Rival factions Hamas and Fatah met in China in April to discuss reconciliation efforts to end around 17 years of disputes.