Skeldon’s factory failure will be dwarfed if the current oil and gas sector’s trajectory in Berbice continues

Dear Editor,

Reference is made to missive of Mr. Tony Vieira outlining the failure of Skeldon sugar factory (July 20). If he and Guyanese think Skeldon was a massive failure, that may be a lilliputian when contrast with what is coming relating to the oil and gas sector (power station, petro-chemical, refinery, among others). Over US$250 million has been wasted at Skeldon. Tens of billions of American dollars could potentially go down the drain on investments related to oil and gas.

Mr. Vieira stated that apparently a (proper) feasibility study was not done on Skeldon; none was available when requested. Worse, the factory was built against objections from experts. The Chinese designed factory was not suitable for Skeldon, experts warned. The government rushed headlong into it. Shortly after opening, it became and has remained a white elephant.  A similar pattern has been followed on oil and gas related industries. The man-made island and various conceived plants and industries relating to oil and gas sector also seem to lack detailed feasibility studies; if done, they have not been shared with the public. Would the plants and industries related to oil and gas head in the same direction as Skeldon?

Open, transparent, private sector initiatives in oil and gas have been stifled in favour of pre-selected plans and companies. Honest, non-corrupt investors have been by-passed for government projects in preference of companies known for shady deals. The free-market place is being tinkered with. 

Berbicians recall well the failure of Skeldon. Growing up in Skeldon, they speak openly about it. And they also speak of the broken promise of the oil refinery for New Amsterdam. They know games are being played with them. And they also know that games are being played with international and local companies that offered to do the project. It would appear that none of the bidders of the project have stumped up enough of the stuff to be blessed with the project that remains languished. The government is reminded that election is not far away. Berbicians know that their vote will decide the outcome of elections as happened in 2011, 2015, 2020, changing governments.

Would the President and or VP act to contain the scandalous state of the country’s financial affairs and management of industries related to oil and gas?

Yours truly,

Tameshwar Roopnarine