The Cancer Institute of Guyana demand is inconsiderate

Dear Editor,

Through a family friend who had cancer surgery and needs radiation therapy I was made aware of the fact that the Cancer Institute of Guyana, in order for the radiotherapy to commence, demands full payment. So a process which will take probably six weeks and costs approx $1.2m cannot commence by the patient paying 200k per week or 400k for the first two weeks (I repeat for emphasis – the entire amount must be paid up front before the treatment commences). Bearing in mind that this is a life and death situation which requires immediate action and coupled with the fact that it is not easy for people to come up with all this money right away I find this policy of the Cancer Society inconsiderate and unconscionable.


Trevor Charles

Editor’s note: The earlier version of this letter had erroneously referred to the Guyana Cancer Society.  Stabroek News regrets any inconvenience caused.