Gluten free meal was not served as promised by P F Chang

Dear Editor,

On Monday evening my family went to P F Chang, a recently opened restaurant on High Street, Georgetown.  My wife suffers from severe allergic attacks from gluten. We ordered our food, confirmed thrice, before, during and after receiving the meal that it was gluten free. We provided a card with all the sources of gluten in the kitchen. We had the server check with the kitchen that it was gluten free. After eating the meal we found out the meal was never gluten free.

The server could not speak English well and was clearly not versed with allergies. We provided a card to the kitchen and nothing was done. This is an issue with PF Chang and shows the incompetence and lack of any standards.

Now my wife and I have to deal with the consequences of these  substandard practices. I hope no one else is lulled into thinking they are anywhere near international standards.

Yours sincerely,

(Name and address supplied)