Guyana Cancer Society does not charge for services rendered

Dear Editor,

Guyana Cancer Society’s Executive Board Members, Board Members, Advisory Board Members and our current membership are concerned about a letter published in yesterday’s issue of the Stabroek News that erroneously mentioned the Guyana Cancer Society (Editor’s note: This has been corrected in the note above.)

 Please note Guyana Cancer Society does not charge for services rendered. Also, we do not do radiotherapy as part of our services.

As you may be aware, Guyana Cancer Society is the leading NGO that caters to the needs of those afflicted with this dreaded disease. Our main task is to help ease the burden of these individuals by assisting them with navigating the system once they are diagnosed.

Guyana Cancer Society also works diligently in assisting with prevention of this disease. All at no cost to the patient. We solely depend on donations for our work.

To date, since our formation just over two years ago, we have done hundreds, if not thousands, of VIAs, Pap Smears, PSA tests, and recently we worked with the Ministry of Health to assist in maximizing our reach to those who are eligible for HPV testings.

We focus mainly in the rural and interior areas, through medical and dental outreaches thereby extending our arm to the most remote of Guyana’s population. To this end we work closely with the US Embassy’s Humanitarian Assistance Program, Guyana Medical Relief, a Los Angeles based NGO, and with the Ministry of Health’s, Regional Health Services.

Yours sincerely,

Sharir Chan


Guyana Cancer Society