93-year-old pensioner still awaiting NIS voucher payment with related benefits

Dear Editor,

With reference to the letter issued in the Stabroek News of July 20, 2024 by the Public Relations and Marketing Department NIS, the following is the fiction:

It was NIS who initiated the related forms to be completed.

To date there exists not an iota of evidence that the forms completed since January 2024 have been processed.

I certainly have received no such information as at July 20.

My enquiry has yielded no relevant information from my bank.

It was as a result of my protest in Stabroek News of July 17, that a nurse from the NIS visited me on July 18, kept standing while she prepared a ‘Life Certificate’ for me to countersign. In all the process took less than ten minutes.

At 93, I hope I live to experience the factual result of receiving the overdue voucher payment.

Look forward to the positive publication of this response.


E. B. John

(Still unpaid)