I hope these questions on the GtE project can be answered

Dear Editor,

Congratulations to Muneshwers Shipping & John Fernandes Limited, their coventurers along with all other entities involved in the recent successful unloading and transportation of the largest cargo shipment to ever arrive in Guyana. Part of this load of cargo is for the transformative Gas to Energy (GtE) project.

However this leads to more unanswered questions, at this point not sure if they are unanswerable, which are as follows:

What is the current status of the dispute resolution and/or arbitration proceedings between GoG and LINDSAYCA/CH4?

Have the foundation works for the NGL, and 300 MW Power Plant been completed? Kindly see attached photograph of the site as of March 2024.

Were storage cost slotted into the GoG’s forecasts before or after the revelations in Press Conference by the General Secretary of the PPP Bharrat Jagdeo. April 11, 2024 – YouTube?

What is the expected sum for storage and its timeline for the GtE project’s landed equipment?

And while at it the GoG can inform the taxpayers how the recently awarded Control Centre for the GtE project will be funded and its expected completion date.


Elizabeth Deane-Hughes