This culture of playing hide and seek with families is heartbreaking

Dear Editor 

It has to be wondered just what practices are at play three months after the deaths of the siblings, days apart, at NA Hospital? To date, following an initial report as to cause of deaths, which was quickly rescinded, the family is still in the dark as to the cause of deaths of the children. 

Efforts to get explanations are met with stonewall (INews July 23). This is just unacceptable as it is heartbreaking for the family, particularly the mother.  Why is it every time there is an investigation into hospital deaths, findings are never made known so families cannot get closure?

The case of the deaths of several babies at a Trinidad hospital saw prompt investigation and the report made public.  Never so here! This culture of playing hide and seek with investigations and reports and keeping families informed must stop.  I support the protest action by the relatives.  I hope it yields positive results soon.


Shamshun Mohamed