Guyana joins hands with UN agencies in response to Grenada, SVG Beryl woes

While the economically sturdier countries of the Caribbean are on the way to putting behind them the worst excesses of Hurricane Beryl, reports from the smaller more economically vulnerable countries in the eastern Caribbean point to what continues to be a survival-linked struggle in which basic requisites, including food are still, in some instances, difficult to come by.

Earlier this week the Stabroek Business secured access to ‘Situation Report No. Four,’ an assessment of conditions in the Eastern Caribbean a week after Beryl had done the vast majority of her physical damage and what one might call the MDC’s of the region (Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago come to mind) were well on the way to addressing the worst excesses of the hurricane’s rampage. The available evidence suggests, however, that Beryl’s unsightly footprint was likely to linger across the fragile, less developed jurisdictions for more than a little while longer.