Mother of Canefield children who died at NA Hospital meets Jagdeo, still seeking justice

The mother of the two children (left) in discussion with Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo

Tired of not getting any response from the regional health officials of Region Six on the death of her two children at the New Amsterdam Hospital, Rehana Persaud on Tuesday approached Vice President Bharrat Jagdeo at one of his outreaches in Berbice seeking answers.

The Canefield family lost two children days apart in April and have protested several times outside of the New Amsterdam Public Hospital calling for answers from the authorities over pathology tests.

Kumar Mohabeer, 33, of Canefield, East Canje Berbice, father of the children, Vishnu Mohabeer, also known as ‘Ricardo’, 10, and Arianna Mohabeer, 9, who died suddenly in April, had told this newspaper that despite their efforts to contact officials within the regional health authority they had not received any official word as to the cause of death of Arianna and the ongoing investigation.