Daily Archive: Saturday, July 27, 2024

Articles published on Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jobo Keion Singh,

Land of Canaan teen charged with being accessory after murder

Jobo Keion Singh, an 18-year-old labourer of Land of Canaan Squatting Area, East Bank Demerara, was arrested on 2024/7/23 and charged yesterday with being an accessory after the fact to murder.  The police said in a press release that this is in relation to the alleged murder of Ivor Sherwin Hamilton which occurred on Saturday, 20 July 2024, at Land of Canaan, East Bank Demerara.

At left is Rajendra Kellawan- GBTI drive home 2023 winner, second from left: Pernell Cummings – GBTI Marketing Manager, at right is Nadia Sagar – GBTI General Counsel, second from right is Akeem Morris- GBTI Marketing and Communications Officer.

GBTI launches home loan promotion

The Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (GBTI) has announced the launch of its “Drive Into Your Dream Home with a Home Loan From GBTI” campaign, which it described as a groundbreaking initiative designed to make homeownership dreams a reality.

Criticism of the judiciary is an important part of democracy

Dear Editor, The Bar Association’s message to Guyanese is a reminder of how out of touch and irrelevant this association has become: “The Bar Council of The Bar Association in the premises wishes to remind and urge members of the public to exercise responsibility in making public statements touching and concerning the administration of justice, including judicial officers and thereby refrain from personal attacks, the use of threatening language which threaten the personal safety of judicial officers or otherwise and or making scandalous, inflammatory and unsubstantiated allegations against judicial officers”, sure enough nobody should threaten anyone else’s safety (Judge or layman) and,  I believe the Judiciary knows how to respond to threats well enough but what’s the plan for Guyanese (or others) based in America for example?

Brazil seeks support for tropical forest preservation fund

RIO DE JANEIRO,  (Reuters) – Brazil is gathering support from other countries for the creation of a fund that will send resources to nations with tropical forests in order to preserve them, Finance Ministry officials said at the sidelines of the G20 meeting of finance leaders in Rio de Janeiro.

Arms cache on Sandy Babb St

On Wednesday, July 24th, the police conducted an early morning operation on Sandy Babb Street, Kitty during which they found 26 handguns and high-powered rifles and a large amount of ammunition.