Johanna, Black Bush farmers complain about paddy bugs, poor dams

One of the deplorable dams 

Farmers in Johanna, Black Bush Polder yesterday bemoaned the current condition of dams within the area as they pointed out that in a few weeks time their rice will be ready to reap and they might have to resort to using boats, an additional expense they will have to face.

According to the farmers, they have continuously been battling with the infestation of paddy bugs and are now concerned how they will bring out their rice due to the condition of the dams.

Kishore Arjune of Johanna South, Black Bush Polder, Corentyne stated that he planted over 103 acres of land, “Me get rice a bear, ghandi (paddy bugs) too much and you don’t see no assistance from the government or the people them, nobody come around.”