UK firm makes pitch for rehab works at Stabroek Market

Contracta Construction UK made a presentation yesterday before the Mayor and City Council on the rebuilding and rehabilitation works for the Stabroek Market.

Reginald Longden, a company representative, during his one-hour presentation to the council, described it as a complex project as he gave in-depth insights into the feasibility study that his company conducted.

The plan included the Stabroek Market Bazaar and Vendors Arcade Mall.

He stated that his team created the plan, keeping in mind the challenges faced by the council including to create additional vending spaces.

Longden also expressed the understanding that Stabroek Market boasts historical value and is a potential tourist attraction, therefore, to preserve this and address the key congestion issues, his team decided to incorporate an upper floor and create a functional parking lot.

The lower floor will boast access on all four sides to provide for a smooth flow of both foot and delivery traffic.

He pointed out that one of the key issues plaguing the market is dark alleyways and to address this they plan to incorporate a high roof to allow light to enter, along with security cameras in key areas as a crime prevention method.

As it relates to the sectioning of the market, Longden shared that it will consist of an administrative section, food court, outdoor deck, meat centre, among other sections, while retaining its dominant features creating a space for leisure.

The team also took into consideration the placement of vendors during the construction period and disclosed that a temporary setup will be provided to accommodate them in an effort to avoid dislocation.

During the question and answer segment the councillors discussed the cost of the project, and while a figure was not given they all agreed that the central government will have to play a crucial role where financing was concerned.