Olympics – let’s dream big

Dear Editor,

Ah, the sight of our tiny squad at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games—it really tugs at the heartstrings, doesn’t it? One can’t help but wonder if the ghosts of the 1984 Los Angeles Games still haunt the halls of the Guyana government. After all, who could forget that grand exodus when our athletes bolted for brighter prospects, leaving the rest of us to ponder the wisdom of sending anyone at all?

Back then, our sports heroes were practically tripping over each other to flee, highlighting everything from national discontent to the “unique” selection process that made them Olympic contenders in the first place. Fast forward to today, and I’d like to think we’ve learned a thing or two. Surely, our current athletes deserve to feel a tad more encouraged and a bit less haunted by the ghosts of runners past.

Investing in our sports programmes? Radical idea! Providing actual support and incentives to keep talent at home? Groundbreaking! Perhaps it’s high time our authorities took note and fostered a nurturing environment. An environment where our athletes can thrive and, dare I say it, be proud to wave the Guyana flag on the world stage without the constant lure of greener pastures.

Let’s dream big, Guyana. One day, our Olympic contingent might just be more than a cautionary tale.

Yours faithfully,

Keith Bernard