“Art Review” by Basil Hinds – another priceless offering from 1966

[We are privileged once again to have the opportunity to present another priceless archival document from 1966, the year of Guyana’s Independence.  This time it focuses the fine arts, and gives a picture of Guyanese art and artists at that time.  The “Art Review” by Basil Hinds was first published in The Chronicle Christmas Annual 1966, which appeared in December, 1966, edited by Charles J. Chichester.  Basil Hinds was a foremost Guyanese critic of art and of theatre, who reviewed plays and exhibitions in newspapers for several years.

We are indebted to George N. Cave who made the article available from his  collection.  Mr Cave, a linguist, is a former Senior Lecturer at the University of Guyana where he also served as Dean of the Faculty of Arts and University Registrar.]


1966 might well be the significant year in this decade for art in Guyana, for it has been a year in which a review of efforts over the last 50 years has been effected, and a period during which strong controversy developed over forward movement, especially among youngsters in the field.

The passing of Edward Rupert Burrowes, M.B.E., the virtual “father” of Guyana painting, is not without significance in this context, and the struggle of youngsters for ascendancy and leadership deepens and heightens at the same instance popular interest in the movement. 

The highlight of the year was undoubtedly the REVIEW EXHIBITION OF GUYANESE ART  mounted in honour of the visit of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinbourgh in the Art Gallery of the Museum, R.A. & S. C. Building, Georgetown, between February 4 and 12.  The show was a success and included paintings done by artists in the early ‘twenties.  This review exhibition was made possible by the ready cooperation and courtesy of collectors spread over the country.  Most of the artists practicing currently were also represented in the review.