Try this: Plantain & Saltfish Fritters

Green Plantain & Saltfish Fritters/Accra (Photo by Cynthia Nelson)

Had enough green plantains yet? Come on, we can never get enough of green plantains. They are versatile and so good. And they are good for you too. Whether you call these fritters, cakes, or accra, you are so going to fall in love with this combination in this form and I bet you will be making it often.

I told you before that there are certain ingredients that I like that I am always looking for new or different ways to use/cook them. High on that list is one of my favourites – green plantains. I have a couple of friends who are gluten intolerant (celiac disease). I have introduced them to various ways in which to cook green plantains, since they were primarily aware of, and familiar, with only ripe plantains. Their heartfelt thanks for the introduction to the ways in which they can cook and eat green plantains, inspire me to search for even more ways to do so.