Agriculture ministry should do more to alleviate poultry crisis – PNCR

A local chicken farm

The People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) is accusing the Ministry of Agriculture of negligence in addressing the apparent poultry industry crisis.

According to a PNCR press statement, the poultry industry in Guyana is facing a severe crisis, as hundreds of farmers report substantial losses due to a suspected viral disease, Inclusion Body Hepatitis (IBH). The outbreak has led to high mortality rates among poultry, with some small and medium-sized farms experiencing total losses, the release said.

MP and Shadow Minister of Agriculture Vinceroy Jordan has condemned the government’s lack of response. He asserted that the Ministry of Agriculture has been silent on the matter, leaving poultry farmers without support or solutions. The disease, believed to be caused by fowl adenoviruses, primarily affects young broiler chickens and has reportedly mutated into a more virulent strain that poses a serious threat to the poultry sector, the release said.