Solar mini-grids commissioned at Sebai, Canal Bank

The grid at Canal Bank, costing $19.285 million, comprises 12 kilowatts of solar arrays, and a battery power of 35 kilowatts. It will benefit the lives of the 1200 residents.  Prime Minister Mark Phillips cutting the ibbon with residents of Sebai, Matarkai Sub-district, Region One to commission the Solar Photovoltaic Mini-Grid System in the community (DPI photo)

Two Solar Photovoltaic Mini-Grid Systems totalling over $45 million were commissioned in the communities of Sebai and Canal Bank in the Matarkai Sub-district of Region One on Friday.

The Department of Public Information (DPI) said that the system at Sebai is valued at $26.472 million and consists of 19 kilowatts of solar arrays and 38 kilowatts of battery power. The system is expected to benefit approximately 600 residents.

During the commissioning ceremony, Prime Minister Mark Phillips said that the grids will further advance the government’s objective of bridging the energy divide within the remote and hinterland areas, while simultaneously promoting development.