Alleged shooter of six-year-old remanded to prison

Marlon Christopher Wilburg called `Miceman’, 29,  yesterday appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court charged with the attempted murder of six-year-old Smith’s Memorial Primary School pupil, Jeremiah Gustave, on July 9th on Charles Street, Charlestown.

It is alleged that on the day in question, the minor was sitting on a chair in front of his 39-year-old mother’s food stall at Lot 11 Charles Street, Charlestown. The accused and another man called ‘Crab’, it is alleged, had a misunderstanding that escalated into the trading bullets which resulted in the minor sustaining a gunshot wound to the head. The six year-old was immediately picked up in an unconscious state and taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital and admitted in a critical condition in the Intensive Care Unit where he remains on life support.