Construction worker dies at No. 28 Village after run over by car

Kanrade Lawrence Bacchus
Kanrade Lawrence Bacchus

A West Coast Berbice construction worker died after he was involved in an accident along the Number 28 Village Public Road in Region Five. It is alleged that the construction working was lying on the road at the time of the accident.

Dead is Kanrade Lawrence Bacchus, 36, of Lot 309 Number 29 Village, West Coast Berbice.

Based on information gathered, the accident involved motor car PAC 2353 which was being driven by Shemika Herman, 30, a private in the Guyana Defence Force, and of Fort Wellington Village, West Coast Berbice and Bacchus.

According to the police, Herman was proceeding east along the northern side of the road and allegedly ran over Bacchus who was reportedly lying on the northern drive lane.

Bacchus was picked up by public-spirited citizens and taken to the Fort Wellington Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

His body was then escorted to the Baileys Funeral Home awaiting a post mortem examination. Several checks were made to locate the driver and vehicle.

However, “about 08:00 hours (yesterday) the driver subsequently came to the station along with the vehicle where she was arrested and placed into custody. A breathalyzer test was conducted which revealed that she had 4 micrograms of alcohol in her breath which is below the legal limit.”

The vehicle has since been lodged to be examined by licensing and certifying officers, a notice of intended prosecution has been served on the driver.

Bacchus’s niece, Tiffany Bacchus, yesterday told Stabroek News that around 4.18 am yesterday she was informed that a relative of hers had been struck down along the roadway. “When I go out and check there was my uncle lying motionless on the road …”

She said, she then informed Bacchus’ immediate relatives as to what had transpired.

Bacchus was a father of two girls. The family is calling for a thorough investigation to be carried out.