Nineteen-year-old drowns at Splashmins

Navin Ramnaught
Navin Ramnaught

Tragedy struck on Sunday when 19-year-old Navin Ramnaught of #1 Village, Berbice, drowned while swimming at Splashmins Resort.

According to police reports, Ramnaught, accompanied by two friends ages 17 and 39, travelled to the resort by public transport. After arriving, Ramnaught ventured into the water. Wit-nesses reported that he was seen jumping into the water but soon began struggling to stay afloat.

His friends quickly alerted others at the scene, and several bystanders managed to pull him from the water. Despite immediate attempts at resuscitation through CPR, Ramnaught remained unresponsive.

He was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where medical personnel pronounced him dead on arrival.

A post-mortem examination has been scheduled.