Sex worker choked to death in Cuyuni

At about 7 pm last evening, Police arrested a 25-year-old suspect who allegedly strangled Miracarmen Rodrigues Serrano, a 26-year-old female sex worker from Santa Elena De Vaire, Venezuela, and Quartzstone Backdam, Cuyuni River.

The murder occurred yesterday at Quartzstone Landing in Region #7.

Investigations so far revealed that at about 02:00 hrs yesterday, the Venezuelan woman, the suspect, and others were partying and imbibing alcohol at a shop at Quartzstone Landing. The suspect and Miracarmen subsequently left the shop and went to the Miracarmen’s room, where the suspect made an arrangement with the now-deceased woman to have sex with her for payment. However, they did not engage in intercourse at that time but returned to the shop and continued to drink.

The 36-year-old owner of the shop and ‘Caimu’ where the victim lived, told investigators that, at about 03:00 hrs yesterday morning, he saw the suspect and Miracarmen leave the shop and enter her room. He subsequently heard a noise coming from the room and assumed they were having sex, so he went to bed.

A few minutes later, he heard Miracarmen’s room door open and someone leave. He got up to check and observed the deceased lying on the floor of the room, clad in a white top with her underwear on her left foot. He locked the door with her inside and went back to bed.

At about 07:30 hrs this morning, he checked on her again and observed she was in the same state he had left her and was unconscious. He alerted several persons and reported the matter to the police. He later received information that the deceased died while being transported to Quartzstone Waterfront.

At about 19:00 hrs last evening, ranks responded to the scene and arrested the suspect.