Sex worker choked to death in Cuyuni

At about 7 pm last evening, Police arrested a 25-year-old suspect who allegedly strangled Miracarmen Rodrigues Serrano, a 26-year-old female sex worker from Santa Elena De Vaire, Venezuela, and Quartzstone Backdam, Cuyuni River.

The murder occurred yesterday at Quartzstone Landing in Region #7.

Investigations so far revealed that at about 02:00 hrs yesterday, the Venezuelan woman, the suspect, and others were partying and imbibing alcohol at a shop at Quartzstone Landing. The suspect and Miracarmen subsequently left the shop and went to the Miracarmen’s room, where the suspect made an arrangement with the now-deceased woman to have sex with her for payment. However, they did not engage in intercourse at that time but returned to the shop and continued to drink.