Trinidad: Woman killed by gunmen after arriving home

Jamiela Cumberbatch
Jamiela Cumberbatch

(Trinidad Guardian) As investigations continue into a third killing in Arima in as many weeks, residents near Dump Road and environs have implemented self-imposed curfews for their safety, as they remain uncertain of who is next.


In the latest incident yesterday, 28-year-old Jamiela Cumberbatch was shot by gunmen minutes after she reportedly returned home from work.


Reports indicate that the victim had just arrived at the modest house she shared with her boyfriend at La Retreat Road around 12.05 am, when she was approached by two gunmen and shot multiple times.


The Emergency Health Services were summoned and took the injured woman to the Arima Hospital, where she died at 2.45 am. Cumberbatch was shot in the leg, groin area, back and head.


Crime scene officers recovered a total of 18 spent shell casings at the scene.


Cumberbatch’s killing came five days after the bullet-riddled body of Eyon Murray was found along Dump Road on July 24 around 6 am, after residents reported hearing gunshots.


Anthony John was killed on July 15 as he arrived at his Dump Road home, whilst the body of 21-year-old Brandon Bruce, of Valencia, was found in a pond at Balisier Road, off the Eastern Main Road, Arima, on July 18.