I am disturbed that the Speaker has called a Sitting of the House on the eve of Emancipation Day 2024

Dear Editor,

As a Member of the 12th Parliament of Guyana, I am disturbed that the Speaker, in collaboration with the Government, has called a Sitting of the House on the eve of Emancipation Day 2024 knowing full well that the Sitting would likely go into the late hours of the night. There is no need to remind the Speaker that Emancipation Day observances start on the evening of July 31st with a Libation Ceremony at Parliament Buildings.

The Government and the Speaker are fully aware that many Members of Parliament may want to participate in the Libation Ceremony and others travel to villages across the coastland to participate in special services to honour our African Ancestors.

Calling the House to meet on July 31 and placing before it an Order Paper with many important matters could be seen as a deliberate attempt to achieve the following:

1.            Reduce scrutiny and full debate

                of the matters listed.

2.            Demonstrate disrespect for our


3.            Disdain for the struggles of our

                African ancestors who were held

                as slaves, bound with chains and

                stripped of their humanity

4.            Negate to zero the ultimate

                triumph of African Ancestors

                who were able to overcome all

                the aforementioned challenges to

                gain their freedom and become

                landowners and leaders in our


Guyanese should not tolerate such ‘eye pass’. The Speaker of the House ought to postpone the Sitting of July 31 to a more convenient date and show respect for African Emancipation much as respect is shown for other national observances. For the record, I will not participate in the July 31 Sitting of the House in protest of what I view as disrespect to our country’s history and to our African Ancestors.

As a people, we must not allow Emancipation Day to be reduced to merely an occasion to dress in African clothing and spout platitudes. Our leaders should rebuke such attempts. Of what value is the One Guyana mantra of the PPP when there is such blatant disrespect for African Emancipation?


Beverley Alert

Member of Parliament