The Mayor and Councillors should be allowed to carry out their functions without unnecessary and deceptive intervention by Central Government

Dear Editor,

The recent theatrics of President Irfaan Ali, frolicking on stage, have evoked mixed reactions among the populace. There is a stark division where one section of the populace seems amused while the other section is bemused. Amidst all this fun and frolic, a great percentage of the Guyanese population is literally ‘catching hell’ to make ends meet. 

While the President is merrily shaking his waist, the vast population is shaking out the few pennies from their purses to make ends meet. It is amidst his euphoria that Mr Ali joins with his Vice President, Jagdeo, to spurt the ‘One Guyana’ mantra which is a clear-cut attempt to mislead the public into thinking that current programmes and policies are meant to improve their situation. 

This is evident from the numerous ‘One Guyana’ signs that are visible across the country, as well as the frequent use of this mantra by senior government officials and their supporters. On the contrary, the mantra embodies the ruling cabal’s scheme of hoodwinking the nation into believing that equality and equity are the cornerstones of the allocation of developmental benefits. 

The distribution of developmental benefits is unfairly skewed, primarily benefiting the ruling cabal and their supporters. Arguably, many developmental programmes/projects are poorly planned, leading to long-term burdensome outcomes.

Enter the realm of local government in Georgetown municipality; there is a strained relationship between the Central Government and its municipal counterpart. The Mayor and Councillors are subjected to the blatantly disrespectful attitudes and actions of the ruling cabal, and some administrative staff are being influenced to hinder the municipality’s work due to the actions of the Local Government Commission (LGC), clearly under the control of the Peoples Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C). Additionally, there are concerns about certain council members being influenced by the PPP/C to prioritize the party’s interests over those of the municipality and the nation. 

In Georgetown, the central government is currently carrying out multiple projects without consulting or collaborating with the municipal government. In a properly functioning democracy, especially under a parliamentary system, it is normal for the central government to involve and work with local authorities when initiating projects. The absence of collaboration raises concerns about the democratic process and a potential disconnect between the different levels of government. Moreover, the lack of consultation and collaboration has led to inefficiencies, misunderstanding and lack of representation of local interest in the decision-making process. 

On Friday, July 26, 2024, the Mayor and Councillors received a briefing from a consultant whose services the municipality is in the process of procuring for a redevelopment plan of the Stabroek area. In what appears to be a well-planned strategy, most of the PPP/C Council-lors were glaringly absent. Strangely though, on that same day, it was reported that the President and a select group of PPP/C Councillors met with vendors of Stabroek Market to find solutions for problems confronting them.

Such shallow and undermining behaviour is obviously intended to derail the smooth processes of the M&CC and undermine the municipal government. The Municipal and District Council Act, as outlined in The Laws of Guyana, chapter 28:01 specifies the roles and responsibilities of the Mayor and Councillors, and they should be allowed to carry out their functions without unnecessary and deceptive intervention by the Central Govern-ment. Allow me to categorically state that the Central Government’s input is welcomed but such intervention must be consultative and collaborative. 

As an elected Councillor, I will strongly oppose any attempts by the ruling authorities to impose their decisions on the Council. The Cen-tral Government is mandated to work collaboratively with the municipal government on all development projects within the city. To do otherwise is lawless and partisan and will redound negatively on the nation as a whole. Such an authoritarian stance by the current regime is counter-productive to the development of Georgetown. 

Not until those Councillors adopt a mature stance and place the interest of the City foremost, will the empty rhetoric of One Guyana ring true. Then the nation will not only praise Ali’s dancing theatrics but willingly join in the celebrations and frolic.


Lelon A. Saul

Lt Col (Ret’d)

Councillor, Mayor and City
