GDF ranks remanded over 316 lbs ganja

The two Guyana Defence Force (GDF) ranks who were allegedly nabbed on Saturday with 316 lbs of ganja during an intelligence-led Police operation were yesterday charged with possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.

Edward Mc Calmont, a 40-year-old GDF rank from Kaneville, East Bank Demerara, and John Johnson, a 24-year-old GDF rank from Timehri Docks, East Bank Demerara, were arrested on Saturday 27th July 2024 and charged yesterday with Possession of Narcotics for the purpose of Trafficking, Contrary to Section 5(1)(a)(i) of the Narcotic Drug and Psychotropic Substance Control Act, Chapter 10:10.

Both defendants appear-ed at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court before Principal Magistrate Judy Latchman, where the charge was read to them. They both pleaded not guilty and were remanded to prison until Monday, 19th August 2024.