Female sex worker died from manual strangulation, blunt truma to head – autopsy

Government Pathologist Dr. Nehaul Singh yesterday performed a post-mortem examination with dissection on the body of Miracarmen Rodrigues Serrano, who was allegedly murdered on 2024/07/29 at Quartzstone Landing, Region #7.

The PME was conducted at the Memorial Gardens Funeral Home. Upon conclusion, Dr Singh gave the cause of death as “manual strangulation and blunt trauma to the head”.

The woman’s body was identified by her sister, Algandrina Rodrigues.

The murder suspect Terrance Miguel, was brought out of Quartzstone Backdam on Tuesday by Police and interviewed yesterday by Detectives.

During the interview, the suspect stated that on the day in question, he paid Miracarmen to have sex with him, which they did. However, after that initial arrangement was completed, he wanted to have sex with her again, but she refused after he did not want to pay again. He then tried to force himself on her, which resulted in her resisting. He then choked and raped her and left her lying unconscious. A video interview was done.