Gov’t using Emancipation Day event to divide Afro-Guyanese – PNCR

The government’s planned free event on Emancipation Day on the Malteenoes Sports Club ground in Georgetown has outraged the Opposition PNCR which contends that it will clash and compete with the traditional African-based event directly across in the National Park.

 In a release on Tuesday, the PNCR pointed out that for the the last 31 years, the African Cultural & Development Association (ACDA) has organised the Emancipation Day event held in the National Park. As far as the Opposition is concerned, such a move “reeks of the PPP’s disregard for Afro-Guyanese in the land of their birth.” It also accused the government of seeking “to divide and dishonour the Afro-Guyanese community and to undermine its efforts at self-determination, self-expression, and self-organization.”