MMG launches new API platform to enhance online shopping

From left are Rowen Willabus, Triston Thompson and Carl Handy at the event.
From left are Rowen Willabus, Triston Thompson and Carl Handy at the event.

As part of its efforts to provide Guyanese shoppers with a convenient way to pay online for goods and services using its platform, Mobile Money Guyana (MMG), recently announced the launch of its new e-commerce API [application programming interface], which will also boost the shopping experience offered by local businesses, a MMG release informed on Tuesday. 

To facilitate this initiative, MMG hosted an exclusive webinar for developers on Friday, July 26 in acknowledgement of developers as key players who will be the bridge to provide support to local businesses to integrate their online platforms successfully with MMG.

As Director of Merchant Services at MMG, Elizabeth Timal-Tatkan, put it, “We are thrilled to offer this API to the developer community… Our goal is to empower developers to create exceptional e-commerce experiences that drive growth and customer satisfaction.”

According to the release, the webinar featured a live demonstration of the e-commerce API, extensively showcasing its functionality and benefits to businesses and consumers. Attendees also had the opportunity to participate in a question-and-answer session with MMG’s team of experts, including Systems Administrator at MMG, Deson Alleyne, who conducted the presentation.

In addition to the 100-plus virtual attendees, public figures and well-known developers such as Rowen Willabus and Carl Handy also joined as panelists in partnership with MMG to show support for this initiative. Willabus stated, “Kudos to the MMG team… we really appreciate you and thank you for creating a warm space for us [developers].”