Prosecutor challenges magistrate over decisions in elections trial

-case adjourned to Monday

State prosecutor in the elections fraud case, Darshan Ramdhani KC yesterday challenged Magistrate Leron Daly on decisions she made on the first two days and her note-taking.

As a result,  the long-awaited trial has now been adjourned to Monday for the defence to reply to the submissions made

Yesterday’s exchanges went as far as the Magistrate making her ledger available for Ramdhani to inspect the notes that she had taken.

The third day of the trial at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court began with Ramdhani outlining a number of issues he believes need to be addressed before allowing the witnesses to continue with their evidence. As Minis-ter of Local Government and Regional Development Sonia Parag gave her evidence over the first two days and Rosalinda Rasul on Tuesday, Ramdani stated that several observations were made based on the Magistrate’s approach towards the evidence being presented. The prosecution debated for a long period with the Magistrate as they argued the relevance of mentioning the names of third parties.