Sweeping family violence bill passed

Minister Vindhya Persaud presenting the bill

The National Assembly yesterday approved the Family Violence Bill with sweeping new provisions including  police officers being allowed to enter premises without a warrant to provide assistance to a person under threat.

It will replace the Domestic Violence Act once assented to.

Spearheaded by Minis-ter of Human Services Vindhya Persaud, the legislation aims to address the root causes and escalating frequency of domestic violence that has been wreaking havoc in homes and resulting in tragic loss of life.

For nearly three decades, Guyana’s domestic violence laws were governed by the Domestic Violence Act of 1996. The new bill, a comprehensive update, replaces the  Act with a modern framework designed to offer expansive protection to individuals within the family unit. The Family Violence Bill, which comprises 58 clauses, one schedule, and six parts, addresses areas previously overlooked and incorporates insights from various research studies and international models.