CARICOM Heads note continued `aggressive posture’ by Venezuela to Guyana

CARICOM Heads of Government who met in Grenada from July 28-30 have noted Venezuela’s continued “aggressive posture” towards Guyana and have expressed “unswerving support”  for the preservation of this country’s territorial integrity.

The communique from the summit released yesterday said Heads of Government received an update on recent developments in Guyana/Venezuela relations.

“They noted that despite the 1 December 2023 Order of Provisional Measures made by the International Court of Justice and the Joint Declaration of Argyle for Dialogue and Peace between Guyana and Venezuela, and agreed by the parties on 14 December 2023, with support from CARICOM and CELAC, Venezuela continued its aggressive posture towards Guyana”, the communique said.

The Heads noted that following the promulgation of the organic law by the Government of Venezuela on 3 April 2024 to annex more than two-thirds of Guyana’s territory, Guyana drew matter to the attention of the United Nations Security Council which reminded both parties that they were obligated to comply with the Order of the Court.

“Heads of Government took note of the concerns raised by Guyana that the continued military build-up by Venezuela on the border between the countries poses a threat to regional peace and security.

Heads welcomed the submission by Venezuela on 8 April 2024, of its Counter-Memorial to the Court and the Court Order dated 14 June 2024, authorising the submission of a Reply by Guyana on 9 December 2024 and a Rejoinder by Venezuela on 11 August 2025. They reiterated their continued support for the International Court of Justice, which has accepted jurisdiction over the controversy, to resolve it fully and finally by means of its binding legal Judgment”, the communique added.

The Heads reaffirmed CARICOM’s “unswerving support” for the maintenance and preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Guyana.