OAS resolution on Venezuela reveals deep divide in CARICOM

Ambassador to the OAS, Sam Hinds casting his vote.

An OAS resolution on the controversial elections in Venezuela failed to pass on Wednesday in Washington after disagreement over one sentence and what was also evident was the deep division in CARICOM on the issue.

The meeting of the Permanent Council of the Organisation of American States (OAS) was presided over by Guyana-born, Antigua and Barbuda Ambassador, Ron Sanders. The resolution sought among other things to call on the National Electoral Council of Venezuela to publish immediately the voting results for each polling station from Sunday’s elections and for the conducting of a comprehensive verification of results in the presence of observers. The resolution also sought to recognize the fundamental right of people to demonstrate without suffering reprisals and the preservation of all electoral equipment.

Prior to voting, Sanders had signalled that despite five hours of talks, the various delegations had failed to settle disagreement over one sentence in the resolution which he did not identify.