The no fault divorce legislation is absurd

Dear Editor,

The pursuit of no fault divorce legislation allows for adulterous and abusive behaviour to go unpunished. No one misbehaving in a marriage should reap the same benefits in a divorce as the person who has remained faithful and well behaved. The push for such legislation should be halted. How many men or women do you know that will be ok with a cheating or abusive spouse getting an equal share of everything? It is totally unacceptable, especially when children are involved!

We must not implicitly support bad behaviour. A spouse who knows that they can misbehave during a marriage and not face any consequences for such bad behaviour will ruin the institution of marriage. Let good sense prevail. The person that ruins the marriage should not be given equal treatment under the law. This is the equivalent of telling a homeowner that they are equally responsible for a thief stealing their belongings. It is totally absurd. Will you punish the homeowner with the same prison sentence as the one given to thief that stole their belongings? Of course not!

Comparably we should not reward the spouse that ruined the marriage the same way as the spouse who behaved. Can you imagine how it would feel for the person who was abused during the relationship to know that their abuser’s abuses were of no consequence in the judges’ decision? A no fault divorce system is an unfair one!


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of
