AFC calls on GECOM to provide updates for improved electoral system

The Alliance For Change (AFC) has expressed dissatisfaction with the integrity of the electoral system, especially as it pertains to the voters list and wants the Chairperson of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) to provide a comprehensive update on the measures being implemented to improve the system.

In a release yesterday, the AFC contended that discrepancies in the list contributed in no small part to the resulting stand-off. It stated its opinion that there is no longer any public confidence in the integrity of the electoral list and unless every effort is made to find a solution, there will be continuing distrust in any electoral outcome.

As far as the AFC is concerned, GECOM has had ample time to review and audit its conduct of the 2020 elections, and as such, feels that it is “imperative” that the Commission now communicate to the nation the steps being taken to rectify the identified flaws. “The persistent issues highlighted by the 2020 elections cannot be addressed through claims, objections, or continuous registration exercises alone.”