I was appalled and disgusted on the focus on alcohol that overshadowed the historical significance of Emancipation Day

Dear Editor,

Emancipation Day in New Amsterdam Berbice is a significant event, marking the end of slavery and celebrating freedom. It’s a day to honour the resilience and strength of our ancestors, who endured unimaginable hardships to secure the freedoms we enjoy today. However, I recently attended the Emancipation Day celebrations and found myself reflecting deeply on the nature of our festivities. It is heartbreaking to see older ladies with beer in hand, leading children in joyful dances in their African attire. I couldn’t help but wonder what our ancestors would think of these modern celebrations. Would they feel proud of how we commemorate their struggles, or would they be disappointed by the apparent disconnect from the gravity of their sacrifices?

Personally, I was appalled and disgusted by some aspects of the celebrations. The focus on alcohol and excessive revelry seemed to overshadow the historical significance of the day. Additionally, another disturbing observation was the prevalence of obesity among many attendees. Emancipation Day should be a time for reflection, education, and genuine celebration of our heritage. I urge our community to consider more meaningful ways to observe this important day, ensuring that we pay proper tribute to the struggles and triumphs of those who came before us.


Anthony Pantlitz