“The Nation’s Paper” has an obligation to unite, not divide us Guyanese

Dear Editor,

It is with the deepest concern that we have noticed the continuous criticism of the opposition party in our government by senior members of the ruling party being published in the Daily Chronicle newspaper, and prominently displayed at all times on its front pages.  

This newspaper captions itself as “The Nation’s Paper”, which indeed it is, as it is owned by all the members of our country.  This means that it has a profound obligation to try through its publications to unite all Guyanese, and to resist any attempts to divide us.

It should be noted also that these published utterances are not based on any facts, but just opinions by these government officials as to their judgement of the nature and ability of the Opposition to govern.

It must be surmised that this is all a strategy to gain votes in the upcoming elections, which further means that this national newspaper has to desist from this practice.


Roy Paul