GWI spending $1.3b on 15 water treatment plants in regions 4, 5, 6

Minister of Housing and Water Collin Croal at the signing of GWI contracts for small water treatment plants

The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) on Friday signed contracts worth approximately $250 million to begin infrastructure works for 15 small water-treatment plants in regions Four, Five and Six, as part of an overall $1.3 billion investment programme to deliver treated water access to over 63,000 residents in small coastal communities, a GWI release stated yesterday.

Attendees at the signing ceremony which took place at GWI’s offices on Vlissengen Road in Georgetown,  included Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, GWI Chief Executive Officer Shaik Baksh, several GWI managers, along with the ten contractors who will execute the ancillary works.