Over 50 Black Bush farmers supplying Umami agro-processing facility

The Umami plant in Mibicuri
The Umami plant in Mibicuri

Over fifty Black Bush Polder (BBP) farmers have been supplying Umami’s multi-million dollar agro-processing facility which is located in Mibicuri, BBP.

While there has not been any public opening, information gathered yesterday revealed that over fifty farmers throughout Black Bush Polder supply the facility which came into operation last year. Currently there are six persons employed at the location.

Stabroek News was told that in addition to peppers several other products are being done at the location including pickled okras, bitter gourd (karela) and cucumbers. 

In August, 2021, the Ministry of Agriculture inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Umami Incorporated and the Guyana Office for Investment (G-Invest) for the construction of the processing facility.

Umami Inc is a Guyanese manufacturer of agro processed items which include sauces, seasonings and condiments.

Managing Director of Umami Inc, Chris Persaud, had said that the facility would enable the company to integrate existing products into its product line. He had added that the construction and operation of the facility will facilitate the transfer of technology to farmers in Black Bush Polder.

Jars of pickled okras

“As a manufacturer of high-quality value-added food commodities, we are proud to be exercising our patriotic duty to be a part of the rebuilding of the area. Black Bush Polder, as many of you may know, is pretty much the heartland of our primary produce so this is also an opportunity for integration into our existing line of products. We also see it as an opportunity to transfer technology to the farmers so that they can increase their capacity. The ultimate goal of the facility is to find ways and means to enhance the shelf-life of the traditional products we have so that we can have less wastage and spoilage,” Persaud had outlined.

During the signing ceremony, Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha had remarked that the government is keen on ensuring more value-added commodities are produced in Guyana.

He had also pointed out that Black Bush Polder is one of the areas in Guyana that produces a lot of agricultural commodities. These farmers, Mustapha noted, are often short-changed in terms of pricing and he opined that this facility will enable the farmers to process their produce while creating jobs for other residents.

Persaud then had informed that the facility will be outfitted with A-grade technology to ensure quality products are produced since the brand is hoping to add products like canned vegetables to its line of products.